Running 5 Km for 30 Days!

I was weighing around 78 Kgs. I was not able to hit the gym due to the pandemic that happened all over the world. It is the summer here in Sweden and one of the rare glimpses to see the sun outside after a long time. Initially, I decided to run 5km every day for the next 30 days but soon after 4 days, I felt very tired as a beginner. I had a feeling of getting a fever. So, I decided to run and walk by alternate days. Though I use to play badminton and hit the gym occasionally, running 5km at a stretch seems to be a challenge after a long break! I used Strava to track my progress continuously.
The Journey Begins!
Day 1

I was able to complete 5 km, but it is almost like a speedwalk :) I took over 39 minutes to complete the 5km with the pace of 7:48/km! But still, it was a sense of achievement!
Day 5

Finally, I am here on Day 5! No improvement with pace. But I am excited! Yeah, I am feeling the consistency!
Day 10

Still, my pace was not improving but I can feel the reward of running. My Body started feeling the pressure to lose some weight! I followed the same route and at the same time for running so my subconscious was ready to hit the track on time every day! I decided to set my diet right. I will write a post on my diet later.
Day 15

My pace improved a bit! I felt great even after improving pace for a few seconds! I decided to concentrate more on my pace. I have also ordered good pairs of earphones as a reward ;)
Day 20

Finally, I have completed 20 Days of Running! Time to check my weight! I was a bit nervous as it is the first time, I made such a consistent effort by including a proper diet! I was walking for 5 km on the alternate days and running every other day. When I stood on weighing machine, Boooom, My weight was 74.2 KGs !! Lost around 4 KG !!

I was motivated to push myself harder! I changed my running pattern. I scheduled my days as follows
5 km -> 3 km -> 5 km -> Break Day
I only counted my 5km runs and took my 3 km as a warm-up during the alternate days!
Day 25

Yeah! I achieved a super pace improvement. I was able to complete 5 km in 33 Minutes! I was super excited after seeing this
Day 30

Finally! I achieved a decent pace. I was able to complete 5 km in 30 Minutes! I am very happy to cultivate this consistency!
Now, I have completed my 60 Days of 5km challenge (Alternate Days)! As I got accustomed to this running pattern, I decided to extend the challenge! Stay Tuned for my next writeup! Let's repeat this!