Code Formatting with Spotless
Not everyone follows or likes the same code formatting style. It changes from person to person.
Even the tiny formatting changes make a big readability difference
Scenario 1: Eclipse Java Format
private final String value;@Autowired
private Testclass testObj;List<String> names = asList("John", "Jack", "Jacob");
List<String> captains = -> "Captain " + name).collect(toList());
Scenario 2: Google Java Format
@Getter private final String value; @Autowired private Testclass testObj;List<String> names = asList("John", "Jack", "Jacob");
List<String> captains =
.map(name -> "Captain " + name)
Do you find considerable differences between the above scenarios? This is just a sample, the formatting can impact the readability of the code to a greater extent.

Now, let's see a flexible way for setting it up in Gradle.
Step 1:
Add the spotless plugin to the Gradle file
plugins {id ‘com.diffplug.spotless’ version ‘5.14.3’}apply plugin: ‘com.diffplug.spotless’
Step 2:
Add the dependency library
implementation ‘com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle:6.11.0’
Step 3:
Add the version of spotless
ext {spotlessVersion = “3.13.0”}
Step 4:
Add the following script to the Gradle file,
spotless {java {// This path needs to be relative to each projecttarget fileTree(‘.’) {include ‘**/src/*/java/**/*.java’}removeUnusedImports()googleJavaFormat(“1.15.0”).aosp()// eclipse()importOrder ‘java’, ‘’, ‘org.web3j’, ‘\\#’trimTrailingWhitespace()endWithNewline()}}
Step 5:
./gradlew build./gradlew :spotlessApply
We are done !!